OK after my friend Gina got on me this weekend about never updating my blog I decided that it's way past due. So life is great, having a boy and a girl is an adjustment but I'm loving every minute of how different they are.
Brooklyn is 3 months old already and is complete opposite of Baker. She is super sensitive, its full out tears if Baker bumps her slightly. She gets scared easily and then its tears again. She loves to cuddle and be held, which I love because Baker has always been a go go goer and never wanted to be held. He was always happy sitting in his rocker. Brooklyn is a great sleeper. She already sleeps through the night. Last night she slept for 10 hours. Baker didn't do that until after he was over a year. She loves when I put headbands on her, all I have to do is pull one out and start to put it on her and she is all smiles. Baker likes to try and pull them out. Brooklyn is a really easy baby. She is a great nurser as you will all see in the following pics she is our chubby monkey. Baker wanted the bottle from the beginning and still has a Binky at night. She gags at the thought of a Binky.
Baker is 33 months old and full of energy. He is talking more and more and his favorite word is Race car! I hear that about 200 times a day. He is always pretending he is a race car or his toys are race cars or he wants to watch race cars on TV. I love every minute of it :) He got a new bunk bed this month and it is the coolest toy he has. He climbs up and down all day. He gives me a heart attack because he has no fear, but boys will be boys. He is a big Grandma's boy and I use it to my advantage everyday. When he isn't wanting to get out of bed I tell him "want to go to Grandmas" and he jumps right out of bed. Brooklyn on the other hand loves the men in her life! She gives Daddy a smile every time she see's him and she would let Papa Dan hold her all day if he would. She has definitely taken over the princess role! She is going to use her Blue eyes to get whatever she wants from her daddy and papa.
Brooklyn Riley 13 weeks
Baker and Hailey on their race car!
Brooklyn with her baby blues!
Gotta Love them!